Our Central Emergency Room (CER) is part of the acute emergency care.

You can reach us at:
0551 5034-1255 or 0551 5034-1355



What do I do in an emergency?


1. Your general practitioner is your first point of contact if you fall ill or injure yourself. If the practice is closed, contact the advertised substitute or the statutory health insurance’s emergency service (“Kassenärztlicher Notdienst”).


2. You can reach the statutory health insurance’s emergency service under 116 117. This service is responsible for all emergency patients outside the opening hours of their general practitioners' practices.


3. In case of an emergency that cannot be treated by the statutory health insurance’s emergency service or a general practitioner, come to our central emergency room. We are open around the clock.


4. In severe cases - for example, a heart attack - call an ambulance immediately via 112.


Trauma Network Göttingen-Kassel

The Evangelische Krankenhaus Göttingen-Weende is a member of the trauma surgery Network Göttingen-Kassel. As CER, we are the pivotal point in trauma patient care. We support all patients who have suffered an accident with newly designed procedures and standards and our interdisciplinary know-how.


View of the ward

Get to know our specialists

Zum Profil
Ärztliche Leitung ZNA
Marlen Wegner
Unfallchirurgie / Orthopädie
Zentrale Notaufnahme (ZNA)
Zum Profil
Stellv. Ärztlicher Leiter ZNA
Stephan Heyer
Unfallchirurgie / Orthopädie
Zentrale Notaufnahme (ZNA)
Zum Profil
Oberarzt ZNA
Dr. Tobias Harder
Zentrale Notaufnahme (ZNA)


Central Emergency Room (CER)

Evangelisches Krankenhaus Göttingen-Weende gGmbH
An der Lutter 24
37075 Göttingen



0551 5034-1255 or -1355

Head physician of the CER

Dr. Tobias Harder

Nursing management

Jens Martin


Social and discharge management

Social and discharge management: Sylvia Holtz-Wörmcke